A whole snow sports camp in just a few clicks.
On the GoSnow.ch website, ‘Schneesportinitiative Schweiz’ (Snow Sports Initiative Switzerland) promotes snow sports activities for schools and offers organised, ready-to-go snow sports camps and days for schools. The package deals include the outward and return journey by public transport, hire equipment for children who don’t have their own equipment, the mountain railway ticket, accommodation and a special event in the afternoon or evening. This all comes with centralised support and billing solutions, and all at attractive prices.
Your snow sports camp.
We strongly recommend booking your snow sports camp through the national sports promotion programme ‘Jugend+Sport’. Doing so will mean that you will receive a state subsidy of CHF 16 per child per camp day. Ask your school J+S coach for more information.
Start looking for suitable camp leaders early on. You can search for such leaders free of charge on the sportnetzwerk.ch platform.
If you struggle to balance your camp budget despite parental contributions, school contributions and efforts within the classroom, help may be available from the GoSnow ‘Hardship Fund’.
Go to the homepage: GoSnow.ch.
Lots of useful information about snow sports activities with school classes.
Advice available by telephone or in writing: info@gosnow.ch or 031 307 47 52.
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