Help with RailAway leisure offers.

Here you can find answers to FAQs about RailAway, Snow’n’Rail and reduced-price leusire offers.


What is a RailAway leisure travel offer?
Where can I purchase RailAway leisure offers for individual travellers?
Can I purchase RailAway leisure offers online?
Can I also purchase RailAway leisure offers in the SBB Mobile app and SBB Preview app?
Can I benefit from the discount on the additional product even if I have a GA Travelcard or have already bought my train ticket (e.g. Day Pass)?
Can I combine RailAway leisure offers with supersaver tickets or Saver Day Passes?
Are the Junior Travelcard and the Children’s Co-Travelcard also valid for RailAway leisure offers?
Can I load the leisure activity (e.g. ticket for admission, ski day pass) directly onto the SwissPass?
Can I benefit from the discount with the Half Fare Travelcard PLUS?
Can I benefit from the discount with any ticket?

Refunds and reimbursements.

Can I have a RailAway leisure offer refunded?
Can I be refunded for unused partial services?
Can a request be made for payment of the price difference for a leisure activity?
Can a ski pass for a ski resort that is open be refunded?


What are Snow’n’Rail offers?
What are the advantages of Snow’n’Rail?
Where can I buy Snow’n’Rail offers?
Can I also load a ski pass onto my SwissPass?
Can I combine RailAway leisure offers with supersaver tickets or Saver Day Passes?
Is dynamic pricing used for all RailAway leisure offers?
How is the discount on the ski pass calculated?
Can I arrive earlier or return later for a Snow’n’Rail offer and still benefit from the discounted ski pass?

Online purchase.

Do I need to create a new login?
How do I know if my order was successful?
What should I do if I am unable to complete my purchase due to technical difficulties?
Why can’t I see my tickets/ski passes directly on the SwissPass or in my SwissPass customer account after purchase?
How far in advance can a RailAway leisure offer be purchased online?
Can I have a RailAway leisure offer refunded?
Can I make purchases for other people?
Are products and services purchased online transferable?
How do I get my ski pass?
How do I redeem a voucher code?

School trips.

What benefits do school classes enjoy with RailAway offers for schools?
Who can benefit from RailAway offers for schools?
Can I book a RailAway offer for schools online?
What happens if I need to cancel or postpone a RailAway offer for schools i have booked?
Who makes the reservation for the leisure activity?
Do you have a specific question on RailAway offers for schools?